Sunday, July 10, 2011

#Mamavation Monday - Happy Birthday Mamavation

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Mamavation, Happy Birthday to you!!!

WOW! 2 years, Mamavation! And I have been around for a little over a year of it! Mamavation has made a huge difference in my life. I have learned a lot about myself and made a lot of new friends in the past year. My sistas have been by my side in the rough patches and during my reign as a Mamavation Mom. I can not imagine a better community to be a part of to help me reach my goals. I haven't lost a great deal of weight, but I am 15 lbs less this year than I was last. HUGE thanks to Leah (@bookieboo) and all of her dedication to us. I know she has helped make a difference in many of our lives. Mine especially.

Speaking of weight loss, this week, I didn't. BUT I am sure I have gained some muscle. Thanks to @GruntStyle, Daniel Alarik, his workouts and his challenge the other night, I have gained some major muscle the past two weeks. I have been receiving compliments left and right that I am looking leaner! My pants are even a little more loose Awesomeness. So, as for this weeks gain, I am proud of it. I was awesome with my food this week, and with keeping track of it daily. I could have done better with my water intake some days, but hey, baby steps! Speaking of my weight, here is my scale pic for the week...

I am super excited for tomorrow night's twitter party! I can't wait to see who our two new Mamavation Moms are! All of our finalists (@Aries_Mommy, @Rachhabs, @NCCarterFamily, @Trica, @SalemMomma) this campaign are awesome women. They are a tight knit bunch who are very supportive of each other. 

My new running shoes are slated to arrive Tuesday! They were supposed to arrive a couple weeks ago, but due to some billing issues, the order was canceled. I am excited they are going to be here, I have been running in a pair of New Balance walking shoes, which are great for walking, but do not provide near enough support or cushion for running. I have been feeling a bit of shine and knee pain over the past few days which I am sure is coming from wearing the wrong kind of shoes while running.

Okay, now that I have rambled on, and on, and on, and on... I will see you all at the Twitter party! Good luck ladies!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

#Mamavation Monday - Training takes discipline

Hiya gals! How is it going this week? So far so good here! I am excited to celebrate Independence Day with my family.

How did well did you manage to eat healthy over the holiday weekend (4th of July and Canada Day)? Any tips for the rest of the summer?
Well I am writing this on Sunday, but I plan on loading up on veggies and lean protein. I know there are going to be lots of desserts that I LOVE so if I do indulge it will be only a teeny serving of each! I am also planning on staying outside most of the time to stay active with the kids! I may even initiate a group walk around the neighborhood! 

So as you all know, I am training for a 5K. Training is hard. It takes discipline and lots of it! Lots of, "Wow, it's early, and I really wanna turn back over and go to sleep", but as you all know, that gets you nowhere fast. It's super easy to make excuses, and when excuses are made it makes you feel horrible later. So my new saying, "Make excuses, feel bad about it later. Get up and train, feel good and good about it!" I know, not that catchy, but it works! 

I am super excited for this next campaign to get up and running! There are some great applicants out there and I think any choice that is made will be a great one. Whoever wins, take full advantage of the tools you are given to succeed. I worked my tail off, but then when it wass all over I thought and still think to this day, "how could I have worked harder? what could I have done to have made it more effective for me!?" This goes back to discipline! You gotta have it ladies!! That and a good planner. Write down everything. From your workouts, to your meals and meetings/calls with mentors.

Here is my weight this week. Not great, I am in a bit of a slump, need a kick in the butt! Care to give me one? (  Y  ) (teehee!)


Have an awesome week and see you all tomorrow evening!