Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Mamavation, Happy Birthday to you!!!
WOW! 2 years, Mamavation! And I have been around for a little over a year of it! Mamavation has made a huge difference in my life. I have learned a lot about myself and made a lot of new friends in the past year. My sistas have been by my side in the rough patches and during my reign as a Mamavation Mom. I can not imagine a better community to be a part of to help me reach my goals. I haven't lost a great deal of weight, but I am 15 lbs less this year than I was last. HUGE thanks to Leah (@bookieboo) and all of her dedication to us. I know she has helped make a difference in many of our lives. Mine especially.
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Speaking of weight loss, this week, I didn't. BUT I am sure I have gained some muscle. Thanks to @GruntStyle, Daniel Alarik, his workouts and his challenge the other night, I have gained some major muscle the past two weeks. I have been receiving compliments left and right that I am looking leaner! My pants are even a little more loose Awesomeness. So, as for this weeks gain, I am proud of it. I was awesome with my food this week, and with keeping track of it daily. I could have done better with my water intake some days, but hey, baby steps! Speaking of my weight, here is my scale pic for the week...
I am super excited for tomorrow night's twitter party! I can't wait to see who our two new Mamavation Moms are! All of our finalists (@Aries_Mommy, @Rachhabs, @NCCarterFamily, @Trica, @SalemMomma) this campaign are awesome women. They are a tight knit bunch who are very supportive of each other.
My new running shoes are slated to arrive Tuesday! They were supposed to arrive a couple weeks ago, but due to some billing issues, the order was canceled. I am excited they are going to be here, I have been running in a pair of New Balance walking shoes, which are great for walking, but do not provide near enough support or cushion for running. I have been feeling a bit of shine and knee pain over the past few days which I am sure is coming from wearing the wrong kind of shoes while running.
Okay, now that I have rambled on, and on, and on, and on... I will see you all at the Twitter party! Good luck ladies!