Monday, October 31, 2011

#Mamavation Monday -Drowning

Have you ever been swimming before and ended up caught under water and panic for a moment because you're not sure your going to get back to the surface in time? If so, you know how I have felt these past couple weeks. I feel like I have so much over my head and every time I almost reach the top I get pushed back under. With all of this I have gained some major weight. It's too easy to get back into old habits when everything around you is going at 90mph. A part of me thinks that I will never be healthy because I don't have the strength to cope when things get rough. Then the other part of me knows that in these times I rely too much on myself and not at all on God or my family. I am a fixer. I feel the need to be the one to fix all the problems or situations around me when it's really me who needs the fixing. I am trying to start focusing on myself more. I need more time with me.

I joined the newest 2 week challenge which starts TODAY so, here we go. My lunch and snacks are packed and ready to go!

Thinking it's time for a pedi...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

#Mamavation Monday - Step Up!

Hi ladies! :-) Hope you all are doing fantastic today! This week I am posting about stepping out! And by out I mean outside of the box, out of your comfort zone and hitting 10K steps per day. My co-mentor Shannon ( came up with the idea to start a step challenge! I think it will do us all a bit of good! (STOP! Take a minute to go sign up for this challenge here - Me particularly, I have slacked off on my daily steps big time since the last campaign and it's time to turn it around! That has also reflected in my weight loss, or lack thereof! I am a predator of a busy life. I use that as an excuse to lazy eat and flat out be lazy! I have gained a few lbs back, but now being a mentor (and getting a better work schedule) has motivated me to get back in track!

So now for the scary stuff. Scale picture. *shudders*

I learned in both of my campaigns to not let the scale rule my thought processes when it comes to losing weight. However, that scale is what sends up a red flag saying, "Hey, you! These number are going the wrong way! Let's do something about it!"

I hope you all have a blessed week!

Monday, October 3, 2011

#Mamavation Monday - Ahhhh

Ahhh... I took a couple days off of work last week to give myself a 4 day weekend and it was so worth it. I feel more relaxed and on track. I got meals prepared in advance (my poor crockpot is on overdrive!) and a plan of action. :) I also got lots of R&R, which was very nice!

Not much to report this week! I am happy fall is finally here. My favorite time of the year! I love the chill in the air, the pumpkins, apples and more that comes along with Autumn!

Congrats to our finalists for Mamavation Couples! I have already placed my vote! I will not be able to attend the twitter party per se as I will be at work, but I will check in from time to time to hang out and to see who our new couples will be! My advice is to use every resource you have to collect votes! I printed out "business cards" with all of the voting information and handed them out to everyone. I sent a mass message to all of my Facebook friends asking for there vote. Tweet at people in your twitter stream asking for their vote! You gotta work hard for those votes! :)

Have a great week everyone!

(Scale pic to be added Tuesday morning)