It's tough being down. When I'm down I feel like no one cares so I fail to reach out for help. But this time was different. I asked for help. I asked for support and I got it. Things are still shaky and might be for a while but I have to learn to lean on God and keep asking for help and support. This post is a little vague this far, so I'll fill you in a bit. I have been in a dark hole for the past few weeks. I have felt as if depression was taking over. A lot is going in right now with work, family and more. I became overwhelmed about a week ago due to some consequences that arose from medical bills and lack of health insurance. I became overwhelmed at the fact that I, once again, started emotional eating and gained quite a bit of weight in a very short period of time. I am taking steps to get help with this depression and stress. I just ask for your support, thoughts and prayers.
I am glad to report though, that after reaching out last week, I got my eating under control and lost a whopping 5.6 lbs!! That victory was sweet and was proving that asking for help doesn't make me weak but helps me gain strength.
A special thanks to someone who was very generous this week and made this upcoming Christmas season one I'll likely never forget. God will truly bless you for your servant heart.