Hi sistas. This past week was probably the worst of my entire life. I lost one of my best friends on Tuesday. My grandmother. It was a tragic accident that was very unexpected. She was found beneath her truck. My grandmother was 79 years old and I had expected her to live to 100. She had a light heart attack in 2010 but her health seemed to be improving, or at least holding steady as of late. My granny was a fiesty little lady, she had not been able to drive her vehicle for quite some time due to a hip replacement and in the past year had gained back quite a bit of her strength and started driving again. She was thrilled. She told us all how bad it felt to have a vehicle and not even be able to drive it. In the past few days I thought that maybe if we had kept Granny from driving she might still be alive, but she would have never allowed that to happen. I am coping with this loss as best as I can for right now. I will miss her more than anyone knows.
I received some lab work results back and it was a kick in the gut. My doctor was convinced I was having issues with my thyroid levels and that it was affecting my weight, moods, headaches, and more. But the test results say all is normal. I know that a lot of my weight gain comes from emotional eating. And I will be going back to my doctor soon to talk with him. I went for answers and hopefully solutions to a few problems I've had but instead I just got told what wasn't wrong.
I appreciate any support I receive. I am trying to get back into regularly checking in with my Mamavation crew because I know that the support you all provide will help me be successful in getting my body back to a state of good health.
Have a good week girls!