Monday, May 24, 2010

Limited blogging over the next week...

And this is why...

My laptop screen has been cracked for over a month and it is getting to the point to where it's hard to see on certain webpages. So I called the PC docs (Dell) and they are going to fix it for FREE! (Thank God I signed up for that warranty!) I will be using a friend's netbook this week and so I won't have access to my usual files, and programs. (Oh TweetDeck, How I'll miss you!)


Crisc said...

Thanks for stopping by, sorry about your computer, but on a plus side I'm your 100th follower...woot woot =)

2justByou said...

I'm following you back from Monday Madness. =) I know what you're going through with computer's on my blog too. Hopefully it will be fixed quickly, and you'll be back in no time!

Marie said...

following you back from monday madness. have a great week. thank you for the follow.