I don't have a lot of patience... I dare not pray for patience, but I think that this year has been one of learning for me. If you read back through my blog archives, you will see that in July, I got sick, very sick. I had terrible abdominal pain and cramping, diarrhea, and no appetite. This lasted for quite some time. At the ER, I was diagnosed with Colitis and referred to a gastroenterologist. We prayed, long and hard, and I finally decided to visit the GI doc in August. Not because I was told to, but because I was still having stomach troubles. After the GI doc checked out my bloodwork and CT scan he decided that a colonoscopy was not necessary, and diagnosed me with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Fast forward to mid-September. I woke up one morning with a stiffness and pain in my wrist and ankle that I could not explain. I attributed it to poor form during exercise, but that wasn't the case. The pain started spreading from joint to joint and got worse with each passing day. Eventually I was swollen, in pain, and covered in red knots. I visited two different doctors who both mentioned that these problems were most likely related to my stomach issues. And they were right. After a visit, again, with the GI doc and a colonoscopy I was diagnosed with moderately active Ulcerative Colitis. The weirdest thing happened once I received this diagnosis. I was happy. I finally knew what the "monster" was that had made my life practically unlivable for almost 4 months.
Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. ...
During my first visit to the ER I remember my sister asking me if I had prayed for patience. I replied no, but, as the time went on and the sickness progressed, I learned a lot about patience. I have always been a right here, right now kind of person. An impatient person. And more times than not, that attitude gets me frustrated or aggravated when things don't happen right away. Was that adding to my stress? Yes. Was it something I could have controlled? Probably. Have I learned something this year? Definitely. God has his own way of doing things, and His way is perfect! No matter if we think He should hurry, or if we think He is behind, God is always on time. You know the saying, "Three days late, but right on time."
Glad to hear that you have an answer to your medical problems and I pray that you continue to lean on Him for strength! God bless!
I know exactly what you mean about being happy for having an answer, even if it isn't something great. We spent years of running my husband to the ER with severe abdominal pain. We finally got the diagnosis of Diverticulitis. He needs another colonoscopy, but won't go in. I pray that nothing has progressed cause he is getting worse. Thanks for sharing your story and faith.
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