Yes, you read my title correctly... I am banishing the scale. This past week went well, or so I thought. I started my new job, meal planned everyday, ate well everyday and still gained 4 lbs. This gain I am blaming on the prednisone (and my time of the month). I was really depressed over this yesterday and that huge number really got to me, so the scale is going away until I am done with these wack-o medications. I know this puts me out of the running for the Move it and Lose it challenge, but until December 31st, when I am done with this medicine, I can't even begin to take the scale seriously.
I admit, I did
not exercise this past week, it just felt like I couldn't find time to fit it in. I am struggling a bit trying to find a happy medium between being a 5-day a week working mom/student, and fitness. Now, I know some of you do this and have been doing this forever, but I just can't seem to get a grip on it. It seems like as soon as I get home from work, the kids are needy over something, dinner is screaming to be cooked/served/cleaned up and then the packing/cooking/preparing for the next work day begins, then, it's bedtime. Sigh. Where do I find time for me in all this!?
not exercise this past week, it just felt like I couldn't find time to fit it in. I am struggling a bit trying to find a happy medium between being a 5-day a week working mom/student, and fitness. Now, I know some of you do this and have been doing this forever, but I just can't seem to get a grip on it. It seems like as soon as I get home from work, the kids are needy over something, dinner is screaming to be cooked/served/cleaned up and then the packing/cooking/preparing for the next work day begins, then, it's bedtime. Sigh. Where do I find time for me in all this!?
The new job, however, is going great. I am enjoying learning about what I am going to be doing, and all the people there are great. The environment is so positive, and it seems like everyone there is pushing me to advance as far as I can.
I had a bit of a snafu with my diet this week. I ate A LOT of fiber on Monday and I seriously thought I had sent myself spiraling into another UC flare. My stomach was messed up for the rest of the week (Like 4-5 BMs per day!), and by Friday my joints had begun to ache. I was scared! Now I am feeling better, more normal again. Thanks to Greta who introduced me to the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, which is directed towards people with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. I am going to focus on sticking to this diet as closely as possible, and following the legal/illegal list to get my intestines back in tip-top condition.
So my goals for this week...
-Exercise at least 3/5 work days
-Drink lots more water
-Follow the SCD as closely as possible to aid in the healing of my intestines
-Remember to take my probiotics daily!
Our Special Guest and giveaway this week is Patricia Friberg @patriciafri.
Don't forget about the Fiber Twitter Party on the 18th (Thursday)! Make sure you go RSVP!
I totally understand how difficult it can be to juggle exercise with work and school. This is definitely where a routine comes into play and figuring out your rhythm with the new job and the meds. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.
Best of luck to you as you meet your goals this week.
Don't be too hard on yourself, Kimberly. New schedules are hard! I'm proud of you for putting the scale away until you're done with the meds. Pay attention to how your clothes are fitting and that will help you stay focused without the scale.
Have a great week!
Oh, Kimberly
I am so with you on not having enough time. I've been trying to figure it out for over a year and I am not there yet. Do not be too hard on yourself. Sometimes it is not a bad idea to get a divorce from the scale
Hey Love - Let me start by saying I'm so sorry you are going through this. You know what's best for your body.
As for the "finding time" Honestly love, I've been a working mom/student for as long as I can remember... at least since I became a mom, so it feels like forever and honestly, I struggle with finding the time. Getting up EARLY, while hard, seems to work best. 2 pluses, starts my day off on the right foot (pun intended) and even if the rest of the day blows up, I know I had some "me" time. Hubs helps out too - He likes me better when I've gotten my exercise in :)
I know that when things start to settle, you'll find your balance. Don't be too hard on yourself - as far as I can tell, you are making the best choices you can during a difficult time! HUGGING YOU!!!
Don't freak out just yet. You just did your first week. You have to slowly build up new routines. That takes time. Completely banishing the scale would be a bad idea. Trust me. I know. It's like a slippery slope. Sometimes it gives you bad news, but it's really the only thing we have that gives us the truth. My suggestion, give yourself a break. And start trying to figure out some small thing you can add in right now.
Well, maybe other people have been juggling for a long time, but you are new to it. I know you'll figure it out.
Glad I could help with the diet! Also, you made me laugh with "BM". I had a babysitter when I was very small who would say that. She was OLD. HA HA. This was in the 1970s!
HUGS girl. Sorry the meds are being a PITA but you gotta do what you gotta do and we are here for you!
Banishing the scale is an excellent idea until you get back on track. Good Luck!!
Sorry to hear the meds are still getting you "up". You need to get that body and diet figured out before you can really get back to your goals. The diet part was really tough on my husband and those slip ups can really get you "down". Just think...Now you know it will only get easier from here.
I was working 80 hrs a week before I quit to be a stay at home mom and it helps to prep a crock pot the night before and just pull it out and turn it on as you leave, or even freezer meals that you prepare ahead of time that the hubby can throw in if he beats you home.
So glad you are enjoying work. {hugs}
Kimberly you are amazing to me and truly inspirational. You have not complained about being on the steroid or about what you are going through. You have been very positive through this experience that may have sent others spiraling towards cheap carbs. It is a shame that you tried to do something awesome with the fiber and your body is simply not at that point yet. Keep doing what you do and at the end of Dec. when you are off the meds you will see the results you want. xoxo
I have had several "ready to chuck my scale out the window" moments... ultimately I am on a quest to (look good) ...er, be the healthiest me possible. Yeah, I do want to be thin, but I want to be healthy regardless of the numbers. Keep it up and you will be healthy. *hugs*
New schedules, hard medications, and just a normal hectic life? YOU are an inspiration! I know it's hard, and that the numbers can be frustrating, but don't let it break that spirit. You're doing the right things no matter what the scale says, and sooner or later it will start going your way.
You ever feel discouraged enough to start slipping, you just tweet me. I'll remind you how important your good choices are! You really are doing great.
hugs good luck with your goals and you are brave for giving up the scale i couldn't go without it and when i am without it drives me crazy wondering about it.
for the challenge if we are required to put up weights you can just keep subtracting even if its a lb a week. not sure if they will require weights or not they are requiring starting weights. Right now I fiqured out yours passed on your last mamavation post so no worries there.
we are going to do awesome hugs
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