This week I chose to write about support! We have some awesome moms who have applied to be a Mamavation Mom, and not only do they deserve our support, but their very chance of succeeding relies on it!
I learned a wealth of new information during the Mamavation Mom campaign. I learned to love some new foods, and I learned how and at what frequency I should be eating. When it all comes out on paper, it looks like it should be easy to lose weight. "Do this, eat this and you will lose weight and become healthy." Yeah, it's not that easy. And the Mamavation coaching team knows that! That is why they are there, not only to set the Mamavation Moms up with a nutrition and exercise plan but to be there for support if something is not going so well. I can say this, and I am sure there are other previous MM grads who can say this too, I did not take full advantage of the support I had. Somedays I was scared to "bother" them and other days I felt like I would look like I was a failure if I asked for help. It takes a lot more than just a "plan" to be successful. For me, in addition to the planning, there is a lot of prayer and a lot of gathering support from my husband and family.
A friend of mine has commented a couple times that she wants me to give her some pointers to lose weight. She and I have been best friends since high school, and we have mirrored each other since. We both work at the same place, we both have 2 kids, we both have busy lives and we both have gained a lot of weight. She came up to me this week and told me that she found out some less than good news at the doctor's office and was thinking about signing up for Weight Watchers online. I hated to hear that information, but was giddy inside that she was coming to me for support! I can't wait for she and I to pair up and lose weight together. I have found that I am extremely successful when I have a "partner-in-crime", and I think that she and I could be unbeatable together! That's where that support comes in. I want to support my friend through this and she is going to support me. I am so excited to have a new "IRL" weight loss buddy! I am even thinking about signing up online with her. Why not?
Shelley and I are also pairing up to support each other. We each want to lose 30 lbs before Fitcation. We haven't chatted as much as we should, but watch out for us, when we get this thing calibrated, it's going to get serious!
If you don't have a lot of support, seek it out. Let people know that you feel you could be more successful if you could talk with them about how you are feeling, or what is working or not working for you. There are TONS of sisters here in the sistahood that I know would listen, but find you someone in real life who can be there when we aren't. And this advice is not just for the Mamavation applicants/finalists/Moms, this is for everybody.
This week's question:
Are you a sweet or savory snacker? What do you look for in a healthy snack?
I am a sweet snacker! When looking for a healthy snack, especially if I am craving sweets, I try to turn to fruit or yogurt. Every now and then I will sneak a small piece of chocolate! Can't live without it!
Support is the key element to success and a reason for failure when people try to do it all alone. Support comes in so many forms though... online, information, questions, or even just a friendly "How are you." I am glad I have Mamavation because I don't have any IRL weight loss buddies.
So glad to hear you have outside support too. Have a great week and keep up your hard work.
I agree. Support is so important. I love giving it and getting it from this great group of women.
Sounds like you have some great support in place and in the works. Good for you! I am looking forward to us supporting each other in the Couch to 5 and 10K programs!!!!!
Woo hooo!! Have a great week and I hope week 2 of Couch to 5K goes awesome for you!
Support is definitely key and for me Facebook and Twitter have been very supportive, but so has Mamavation. I totally get the IRL buddy, I'd love one but so far I haven't really met any neighbors around here and the ones I have met would rather stay indoors so I'm still looking. I say go for it and go hard, I bet you both lose that amount before Fitcation. Good luck to you and have a great week.
How exciting to have a friend close by that you can share in the weight loss journey. I am sorry to hear that she has some concerns that have sent her in this path, but I am sure you will both do great.
I think that support is one of the main players when it comes to healthy weight loss and long term goals. Can't wait to see "less of" you in June!
Support is HUGE and can I just say that for you and for anyone else in the sistahood, you are NOT EVER bothering me if you ask for help... I just worry about hounding you :) I'm ALWAYS just a phone call, skype, text, or tweet away :) Love ya girl!
Support is SO key, however you need it. I am a loner at the gym. I am less self conscious, find I push myself harder, and am just overall more comfortable working out alone. My BFF is always wanting to 'Buddy Up' and I think I must hurt her feelings at least once a week because I am just a lone gym wolf.
BUT, I LOVE having support about food and nutrition. Sharing recipes, looking over food journals, and that kind of thing.
So, you're right. If you need it, SEEK IT OUT. Great message!
Love your post. Love your energy. O have to say, you became a completely different person from when I first met you. Love the new u!!!
I agree with support is so important! I am so happy to have mamavation because I do not have anyone irl who is tyringt o lose weight at all, which is so hard! I am so glad you have that support!
I always thought that I would be able to lose the weight by myself, but like your title says, support is vital! I'm so glad to have found the Sistahood, and am able to interact with such inspiring ladies such as yourself! Have a great week!
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