Wow. It really doesn't seem like it was that long ago when I was recording my video for Campaign 6! But here we are, almost 3 months later, and another campaign is just getting started! If you have watched my Mamavation Mom application video, you know that things did not quite go as planned last go-round. But this time, I am healthy, well down the path of recovery, and set to roll! I truly believe that God had a reason for everything that happened in October. One reason I am sure of, had I not gotten sick, I probably would not have went on the search for a job with benefits, and would not be at the great job I am at now!
Go here to check out all the mama's who have applied so far!
I have been blogging daily about why I want to be the next Mamavation Mom. There is so much that just could not be fit into a four minute video. Make sure to take a few moments and check out my "10 days of why I want to be a Mamavation Mom". See Days 1,2, 3, 4
I have finally settled into a little groove with the new job. It took almost 5 weeks, but I am at a place where I feel comfortable! (It also helps that my college classes ended this past week!) I went shopping at the grocery store and I am in the process of buying the "staples" of healthy eating. Today I bought a couple things I have never purchased before. Milled flax seed, and Truvia. I just recently started reading a book my Phil and Amy Parham from season 6 of The Biggest Loser. The book entitled, "The 90 Day Fitness Challenge" has been very inspiring to me so far. And to be honest, there is not much in the book that I haven't heard or read before, but I feel as if I have a little more control when I have an "instruction manual".
I won't be at Mamavation TV Monday night, still working Mondays for now. Thanks to my class schedule this spring, that will be changing soon! I miss you all like CRAZY and I have enjoyed being back on twitter this week, you all rock!
Congrats to an awesome sista, and a fellow Mamavation Mom applicant, @ChristiDarty for being named our Sista of the Week! :) She is Awesome, and I would be honored to serve as Mamavation Mom next to her!
Check out this week's Mamavation Monday post over at Mamavation.com and get all the details on the sponsor of this week's blogging carnival and how to win some cool swag! :)
If you want to show your support, please tweet the following, or head on over to the Mamavation Facebook page and let Leah, @bookieboo know that I inspire you!
"Hey @bookieboo! I want @christlikemommy to be the next #Mamavation" Mom. She has my support! http://bit.ly/zqUxa"
I've loved your daily posts, and good luck during the campaign!
So excited to see you apply for this campaign! I'm rooting for you. And I totally understand trying to get into a groove with the new job and school. Best of luck to you this week chica!
Glad to see you better and applying again! It is amazing what a difference benefits can make... my family can't be without good health care due to the ongoing medical needs of my children.
Sorry to be missing you again this Monday... hope to chat with you there soon. Happy Holidays.
You know I support you 100% my friend!! Also, loving your other posts about why you want to be Mamavation mom!!!
I am wishing you the best with everything you do and most of all in sticking to your goal. My hubs always says, Everything happens for a reason, and sometimes you might think "There is no way God wants me to go through this" but it is funny how it makes you look at things differently. Enjoy your holidays. XOXO
So glad that you are finding a balance with your new job! I have been using Truvia for about 2 months now and LOVE it!! Have a great week and Merry Christmas!!
So glad you're getting your mojo back! Happy, happy, happy that you've applied to be Mamavation Mom again! 2011 is going to be amazing for you!!
Wishing you the best!! So glad to see you back in action and feeling good!
Yes, I totally believe that God's timing is perfect, even when we don't understand the circumstances. I'm SO glad you are doing well and that you have the go-ahead for this campaign. Hugs!
I really hope you get a shot this campaign. I know it would be really good for you to be a Mamavation Mom! I am so happy to hear you are getting into a routine w/ your new job, it is hard to get it all figured out. Great job sweetie and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Way to go on keeping your spirits up and applying again. I'm going to check out your video now.
I have throughly enjoyed your daily blog posts and am so glad you are applying again! HUGS!
So glad to see you are applying again. I was bummed you couldn't do it last time. Fingers crossed for you.
WooHoo on the smart shopping you are doing. Great Job!
Good luck in the campaign and have a very Merry Christmas Kimberly!
You have support. I am glad you are putting all the pieces together to attack this campaign. You will make an outstanding MM.
you realy are making an effort thist time to be a mamavation mom and im proud of you and I you have my vote.
hugs have an awesome christmas
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