Day 3 - Family. I have two gorgeous, healthy sons. Bradley, who is 4, and is the oldest, is independent and headstrong. He is a great big brother to his 2 year old brother, Isaiah, and loves spending time with family. Unfortunately, due to my (and my husband's) bad eating habits, Bradley is overweight.
Mamavation is all about helping mom's get healthier, and making the lifestyle change that is needed to help their families become, and stay healthy. Not only do I want to be a good example to my sons and husband, but to the rest of my family. My boys stay with my mom while I am at work, and all of those bad habits that I learned as a child, still linger in my parent's house. There is always an endless supply of little cakes and cookies. The kitchen is the first place my children run to when staying at Grandma's house. My father has already begun making changes to his diet because he is borderline diabetic. But I need to have a change, and I mean a dramatic change, in my life to show my family that I am serious about these changes. And if I can do it, so can they!
Don't forget, if I inspire you and you want to support me through this campaign, please tweet the following, or head on over to the
Mamavation Facebook page and let Leah,
@bookieboo know that I inspire you!
Great reasons, girl. You gotta make the changes and then spread them far and, er...wide.
It is amazing how children can help us make changes in our own life. When we found out about my kids' diagnosis, my MIL became a vegetarian. She was also borderline diabetic and had high cholesterol. I think we are all healthier because of some simple changes we made for my kids.
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