Monday, April 18, 2011

#Mamavation Monday - Priorities

You know the feeling you get when your priorities get out of line? You feel out of place, disorganized and just flat out bumfuzzled. That's me. Right now, that is me. In my life God should be first and unfortunately I have put God on the back burner. In His place I have put work, my health, my hobbies among other things. I dont have the control over some of these things like I should. Like I would had I left all those things in Gods hands instead of in my own. Back in may of last year, almost a year ago I wrote a post titled "I'm Struggling". I am back at that point. I am trying to do to much on my own without asking for help and I don't mean asking for help from friends and family but from God. Recently a very important relationship in my life almost crumbled because God wasn't the center of it. I have obligations as well commitments that I will keep but just know if I am not around as much it's because I am taking care of me. The physical and spiritual me.

As far as my health I am still in a light flare with my Ulcerative Colitis. I am trying to cope with emotional eating at the same time as having a flare up and needless to say it's not working. Greta introduced me to the SCDiet and it works, when I stick to it. I am also looking into some experimental studies where nicotine gum/patches were used to help patients regain remission. A lot of doctors say that diet has nothing to do with flares or lack thereof but I know better.

If you pray, keep me in yours. Specifically for this illness to dry up and leave me alone and for me to get my priorities line up.


Andrea Kruse said...

I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Keep up the fight... you can get back to where you were as a Mamavation Mom.

Shanda said...

Oh Kimberly, You are so brave to post your weight.
I do pray and I am praying for you now as I write. I, too, struggle with balance and putting God first. Thank you for your honesty.

MNMSpecial said...

Oh heart goes out to you. Its never easy to change our habits the older we get. My husband still has issues with his food even though many times an ER visit can be prevented. Bummed we aren't meeting up this time around, but I'm sure we will. I'll keep you in my prayers for your illness and desire to put God first. Hang in there. Big hugs.

That Bald Chick said...

I do pray, and you are now in mine. It can be SO difficult trying to get a handle on your health when you have chronic ailments... trust me, I know. While mine are not the same as yours, I can relate. So, my dear sister in Christ, you can count on your name being called out to the Lord by me! BTW, love your pedicure.

Grace Matthews said...

I will keep you in my prayers. You are on the right track top a healthier you. Just let God lead the way. Sometimes God the easiest thing to let slip away, but he is all forgiving and he welcomes you back.

Carrie said...

Just prayed for you girl! Yes, put online time in the back of your mind. I only get on here now only when I have a little bit of time.

uhh.... those darn doctors have no idea about health problem and diet! They don't think the 2 have anything to do with one another, but yes anything you put into your body affects it in one way or another!!

I so hope and pray that you have a better week!!

Stephen and Amanda O'Dair blog said...

I am so sorry this is happeneding, but know that we are all here for you! Love you so much! Amanda

MrsFatass said...

Aww, I'm sorry you're going through all this with your health. I absolutely will keep you in my prayers.

Jen @ Happy Little Homemaker said...

I am so with you. I always have to tell myself, let go and let God. Too bad I don't listen :).

Have a blessed easter!

kia said...

I am proud of you for catching yourself with your priorities before they get out of hand. Your spiritual component is far more important than the time suck of the internet. Be with the relationship that drives you.

You are in my prayers. Please don't emotionally eat (easier said than done) - I wish you healing.

Unknown said...

Praying for you, sweetie! Do what you need to do to take care of you. You are missed, but keep your priorities in the right order. God first!