Sunday, December 4, 2011

#Mamavation Monday - Picking up the pieces

It's tough being down. When I'm down I feel like no one cares so I fail to reach out for help. But this time was different. I asked for help. I asked for support and I got it. Things are still shaky and might be for a while but I have to learn to lean on God and keep asking for help and support. This post is a little vague this far, so I'll fill you in a bit. I have been in a dark hole for the past few weeks. I have felt as if depression was taking over. A lot is going in right now with work, family and more. I became overwhelmed about a week ago due to some consequences that arose from medical bills and lack of health insurance. I became overwhelmed at the fact that I, once again, started emotional eating and gained quite a bit of weight in a very short period of time. I am taking steps to get help with this depression and stress. I just ask for your support, thoughts and prayers.

I am glad to report though, that after reaching out last week, I got my eating under control and lost a whopping 5.6 lbs!! That victory was sweet and was proving that asking for help doesn't make me weak but helps me gain strength.

A special thanks to someone who was very generous this week and made this upcoming Christmas season one I'll likely never forget. God will truly bless you for your servant heart.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

#Mamavation Monday - Under the Weather

Hi ladies! Sorry I haven't been very active lately. We have been battling a big bad virus at our house complete with stomach issues, high fevers and ear infections. It first hit my 5 year old last week and he was having bouts of fevers upwards of 104 degrees. We had a couple of visists to the ER with him. He was wiped out. I was scared to death for him, I have never seen him so sick. He missed almost a week of school. Then it hits my 3 year old, not as bad as it hit his big brother, mainly because we got it under control quickly. Then it was mine and my husbands turn this past weekend. I am still not feeling the best and my head feels like it's going to pop at any minute, however, I took lots of vitamin C and other immunity building supplements and I am convinced if not for that it could have been worse.

I did get some exciting news this past week, I got a new job within my company. It is full time which includes benefits (READ:  CHEAP(er)HEALTH INSURANCE!) and I am super excited. One of my best friends also got the position with me and we have made a plan to use our breaks and lunches towards good health and be sure to focus on healthy foods and activity together. Looking forward to that!

So not much more to report. We have been working/going to school/stuck at home on the weekends for the past 3 weeks now and it is getting old quick-like!

I apologize to our Mamavation Moms, I haven't been able to give them my full attention, and I praise Shannon (@ariesmommy) for picking up my slack. Love you FOREVER for that girl.

Pardon my nasty feet. I haven't had a pedi in I don't know how long... It's on my Christmas list...

Monday, October 31, 2011

#Mamavation Monday -Drowning

Have you ever been swimming before and ended up caught under water and panic for a moment because you're not sure your going to get back to the surface in time? If so, you know how I have felt these past couple weeks. I feel like I have so much over my head and every time I almost reach the top I get pushed back under. With all of this I have gained some major weight. It's too easy to get back into old habits when everything around you is going at 90mph. A part of me thinks that I will never be healthy because I don't have the strength to cope when things get rough. Then the other part of me knows that in these times I rely too much on myself and not at all on God or my family. I am a fixer. I feel the need to be the one to fix all the problems or situations around me when it's really me who needs the fixing. I am trying to start focusing on myself more. I need more time with me.

I joined the newest 2 week challenge which starts TODAY so, here we go. My lunch and snacks are packed and ready to go!

Thinking it's time for a pedi...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

#Mamavation Monday - Step Up!

Hi ladies! :-) Hope you all are doing fantastic today! This week I am posting about stepping out! And by out I mean outside of the box, out of your comfort zone and hitting 10K steps per day. My co-mentor Shannon ( came up with the idea to start a step challenge! I think it will do us all a bit of good! (STOP! Take a minute to go sign up for this challenge here - Me particularly, I have slacked off on my daily steps big time since the last campaign and it's time to turn it around! That has also reflected in my weight loss, or lack thereof! I am a predator of a busy life. I use that as an excuse to lazy eat and flat out be lazy! I have gained a few lbs back, but now being a mentor (and getting a better work schedule) has motivated me to get back in track!

So now for the scary stuff. Scale picture. *shudders*

I learned in both of my campaigns to not let the scale rule my thought processes when it comes to losing weight. However, that scale is what sends up a red flag saying, "Hey, you! These number are going the wrong way! Let's do something about it!"

I hope you all have a blessed week!

Monday, October 3, 2011

#Mamavation Monday - Ahhhh

Ahhh... I took a couple days off of work last week to give myself a 4 day weekend and it was so worth it. I feel more relaxed and on track. I got meals prepared in advance (my poor crockpot is on overdrive!) and a plan of action. :) I also got lots of R&R, which was very nice!

Not much to report this week! I am happy fall is finally here. My favorite time of the year! I love the chill in the air, the pumpkins, apples and more that comes along with Autumn!

Congrats to our finalists for Mamavation Couples! I have already placed my vote! I will not be able to attend the twitter party per se as I will be at work, but I will check in from time to time to hang out and to see who our new couples will be! My advice is to use every resource you have to collect votes! I printed out "business cards" with all of the voting information and handed them out to everyone. I sent a mass message to all of my Facebook friends asking for there vote. Tweet at people in your twitter stream asking for their vote! You gotta work hard for those votes! :)

Have a great week everyone!

(Scale pic to be added Tuesday morning)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

#Mamavation Monday 9/26

Hi girls! This week has been hectic! Been buy at work and at home, my sinuses and allergies have been oh, so bothersome, and my stomach had a bad day on Thursday. Im going to be completely honest with you all this week, I have been close to depressed all week. I hate that I am working evening shift again, it takes a lot of time away from my family and honestly just throws me completely out of routine. I have felt like I have been on the verge of crying every day this week which I should probably do to let myself release some of this pinned up stress! I am working towards getting into a routine but when my gears start turning someone throws a wrench in. I decided to take Thursday and Friday off this week unpaid just to have some time to relax and hopefully get some sort of plan in action. Needless to say my eating was less than perfect this week, but the scale didn't seem to show it as much!

Also I want to apologize for my lack of commenting on your posts. I had a chat with Shelley Weds night and she ever so gently slid it in that some of us sisters (me) are not holding up our end of the deal when it comes to commenting. So thanks to those of you who comment on my posts even if I don't get to comment on yours. I will try harder to get more comments in.

So this week my goal is to look to God when I start feeling overwhelemed or depressed. No more feeling sorry for myself. I still have lots of weight left to lose to be healthy, and feeling sorry for myself is not going to help me get to my goal. And besides, I've gotta look hawt before Fitcation 12! ;-) Have a great week sistas! Love you all!


Sunday, September 18, 2011

#Mamavation Monday - 5K results

Hello Mamavation! Thanks for stoppin' by!

This week's post is centered arounf my first 5K that I (attempted to) run on Saturday.

There were a lot of people who participated in this race, so I was a little nervous from the get go. Bottom line, I did not finish. I didn't really explain what happened in my video, but, what happened... I started out strong running, slow, I wanted to drop to the back of the pack, being in the crowd made me feel nervous. So I got in a good stride jogging and power walking and about half way through my right foot started burning along the bottom. So I slowed to a walk for about 1/10 of a mile. I picked up the pace and started to jog again and shortly after my ankle rolled to the outside and I fell. My ankle was hurting pretty badly, I don't think it was a sprain, just more bruised. Either way, I was having a hard time walking on it much less jogging, so I was pulled to the side at a station and was bandaged and iced. Some other runners who stopped along the way could tell I was disappointed (and a newbie to the race) and gave me some insight to my injury and why it probably happened. I am extremely disappointed that I didnt finish, but I get another chance soon as I have one more 5K to do from Mamavation campaign 9. I am going to train more vigorously for the next 5K. Make sure I get my leg muscles stronger and ready to hold me up while running. I also intend to run AND FINISH this same 5K next year. It won't defeat me again...

Some pics from my day...
The picture of my feet was me standing on the VA/TN state line! I was in two states at once! Pretty cool huh?


And my videos...
Pre Race

Post Race

Scale pic...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

#Mamavation Monday - Schedule changes equals planning changes

Schedule changes can make life different. And staying on track is hard too, it takes dedication, planning and focus. After being a Mamavation Mom, twice, I have learned to not let myself get back into that lazy, "whatever goes" mode. A few days this week I did not plan my day according to my schedule and ended up going over on my calories for the day, because I was so hungry by the evening but was out of "planned" food. This comes along with a schedule change at work. I had planned my meals through the campaign based on my working day shift, so by 9pm at night, I was headed for bed. Now, I am working from 2:30 pm to 9:30 pm and so my previous meal plan does not fit my new schedule. So this week my goal is to focus on making a new meal (and workout) plan that fits my new schedule. I miss being able to come home in the evenings and walk outside in the coolness of the day, but when it comes to working and providing for my family, I haven't much of a choice. I love my job, and everything about it except for the unstable schedule.

I did not weigh myself this morning, I will tomorrow (Monday) and add my scale picture. I did have my monthly "visitor" to deal with plus a little added stress as my mother had her final eye surgery this week. Hopefully the scale doesn't reflect that.

Scale pic: +0.6 (Not bad!!)

I will probably be a little late to Mamavation TV now on Monday nights as it is around 10pm when I get home from work, but better late than never!

Have a great week ladies!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

#Mamavation Monday-Back into the swing of things

Hi ladies! (and now, gents!)

This past week was all about getting back into my daily normal non-Mamavation mom routine. I will admit, it was a bit easier than the last time. I cut back to working out 3-4 days instead of the exhausting 6 days. As for my food, I had a few days that could have went downhill fast but I grabbed the reigns and kept my wagon on the right path. And the results were great. Life in general however, is crazy. More bad weather came through, still battling fleas, and today (Weds) my mom had her final cataract surgery. Shew, I need a vacay!

Scale pic...

Have a great week ladies!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

#Mamavation Monday - Happy Birthday Mamavation

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Mamavation, Happy Birthday to you!!!

WOW! 2 years, Mamavation! And I have been around for a little over a year of it! Mamavation has made a huge difference in my life. I have learned a lot about myself and made a lot of new friends in the past year. My sistas have been by my side in the rough patches and during my reign as a Mamavation Mom. I can not imagine a better community to be a part of to help me reach my goals. I haven't lost a great deal of weight, but I am 15 lbs less this year than I was last. HUGE thanks to Leah (@bookieboo) and all of her dedication to us. I know she has helped make a difference in many of our lives. Mine especially.

Speaking of weight loss, this week, I didn't. BUT I am sure I have gained some muscle. Thanks to @GruntStyle, Daniel Alarik, his workouts and his challenge the other night, I have gained some major muscle the past two weeks. I have been receiving compliments left and right that I am looking leaner! My pants are even a little more loose Awesomeness. So, as for this weeks gain, I am proud of it. I was awesome with my food this week, and with keeping track of it daily. I could have done better with my water intake some days, but hey, baby steps! Speaking of my weight, here is my scale pic for the week...

I am super excited for tomorrow night's twitter party! I can't wait to see who our two new Mamavation Moms are! All of our finalists (@Aries_Mommy, @Rachhabs, @NCCarterFamily, @Trica, @SalemMomma) this campaign are awesome women. They are a tight knit bunch who are very supportive of each other. 

My new running shoes are slated to arrive Tuesday! They were supposed to arrive a couple weeks ago, but due to some billing issues, the order was canceled. I am excited they are going to be here, I have been running in a pair of New Balance walking shoes, which are great for walking, but do not provide near enough support or cushion for running. I have been feeling a bit of shine and knee pain over the past few days which I am sure is coming from wearing the wrong kind of shoes while running.

Okay, now that I have rambled on, and on, and on, and on... I will see you all at the Twitter party! Good luck ladies!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

#Mamavation Monday - Training takes discipline

Hiya gals! How is it going this week? So far so good here! I am excited to celebrate Independence Day with my family.

How did well did you manage to eat healthy over the holiday weekend (4th of July and Canada Day)? Any tips for the rest of the summer?
Well I am writing this on Sunday, but I plan on loading up on veggies and lean protein. I know there are going to be lots of desserts that I LOVE so if I do indulge it will be only a teeny serving of each! I am also planning on staying outside most of the time to stay active with the kids! I may even initiate a group walk around the neighborhood! 

So as you all know, I am training for a 5K. Training is hard. It takes discipline and lots of it! Lots of, "Wow, it's early, and I really wanna turn back over and go to sleep", but as you all know, that gets you nowhere fast. It's super easy to make excuses, and when excuses are made it makes you feel horrible later. So my new saying, "Make excuses, feel bad about it later. Get up and train, feel good and good about it!" I know, not that catchy, but it works! 

I am super excited for this next campaign to get up and running! There are some great applicants out there and I think any choice that is made will be a great one. Whoever wins, take full advantage of the tools you are given to succeed. I worked my tail off, but then when it wass all over I thought and still think to this day, "how could I have worked harder? what could I have done to have made it more effective for me!?" This goes back to discipline! You gotta have it ladies!! That and a good planner. Write down everything. From your workouts, to your meals and meetings/calls with mentors.

Here is my weight this week. Not great, I am in a bit of a slump, need a kick in the butt! Care to give me one? (  Y  ) (teehee!)


Have an awesome week and see you all tomorrow evening!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

#Mamavation Monday

Hiya gals! This weeks post is gonna be short n sweet.

I went to the doctor this week because I was having some stomach problems. I thought that my UC was flaring again, and the doc said it might be a little but the problem was coming from some aggravating problem. I am back on my meds after a 3 month hiatus due to the cost of the meds and I am already feeling much better!

Still having issues every now and then with my heel and the plantar fasciitis but my new running shoes should be here Tuesday! WOOT! I am super duper excited to have some new shoes. Watch out 5k, here I come!

Unfortunately I will not be at #Mamavation TV this week due to a change in work schedule. I may try to catch up on my stickam app!

My weight for this week is 271. I think I have maintained but I don't really remember and I am writing this post from my phone. Lol I will add my scale pic as soon as I get to my laptop!

Have a great week all!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

#Mamavation Monday - Ineligible

next week's goal - 17 miles
Hi girls! How was your week? Mine was good! Kind of a blur actually, it went by pretty fast. I have continued walking every evening after I get off work, and surpassed my goal of 9.62 miles that I set last week! My total hit 10.46 miles. My goal for next week is to hit a total of 17 miles on my Nike GPS app. I love this app, it shows where I have walked, my speeds, and love that it posts to Facebook when I begin to walk. Every comment or like that I get on the status update sends through a sound of a cheering crowd in my headphones. Awesome encouragement!

I also applied for health insurance at the beginning of this week. I was actually pretty confident in obtaining coverage, but unfortunately received this reply...

Wow. I had no idea I would be denied health insurance because of my weight. I was expecting not to receive coverage on my Ulcerative Colitis because it is a pre-existing condition, but to be completely denied. That hit hard. I need a 6 month long boot camp... I have got to get to a healthy BMI/weight so i can get health insurance. I worry so much every time there is a new pain or sickness that I am faced with. It's not cheap to go to the doctor. 

On a brighter side, the walking and calorie counting I have been doing lately is paying off. My weight did not change this week but my clothes are more loose fitting and I have had much more energy (besides the cold I battled earlier in the week).

I am getting ready to go out of town for the evening with my sister and her church group so I am cutting this short! See you all at Mamavation TV tomorrow night!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

#Mamavation Monday - No more selfishness

Next week's goal, a total of 9.62 miles.

Hi girls! What a week it has been. I am very proud of myself! 4 out of 5 days this past week I pushed myself to walk after work and wouldn't stop until I reached a mile. I know, a mile does not seem like much to most people, some of you are knocking that out in 7 or 8 minutes, but a mile for me is huge. At the end of my Mamavation Mom campaign I was up to 2 - 2.5 miles per workout/walk. After I got sick again, I got out of shape and out of my routine. So starting back up this past week was hard. Some walks I cried, I wanted to stop, sit down in the middle of the pavement and have a pity party. I kept remembering what I used to be able to do, what I was up to and I was hating my body for betraying me, for getting sick and sending me backwards on my journey. I am sure you all have noticed, when I get sick I retreat. I back away from help, support and anything that "reminds" me of when I was healthy. I get depressed when I am sick. And unfortunately I am depressed thats when my emo eating comes out. So normally while people with Ulcerative Colitis lose weight during a flare, I maintain or gain. So this past week, being under my calorie goal and getting in 4 (!!!) days of activity is a step up for me. I have made it a priority to go straight outside after my shift ends and walk on the track at work instead of going to the tanning bed. (I was loving that tan! Please don't flame me for going to the tanning bed!)

Now on to the title of my post. Selfishness. I was thinking today as I stared into my cabinet. My cabinet. The one where I hid my cakes, cookies and any other snacks I didn't want my husband or children to eat. I give a lot to my family, but a lot of time but there are things I do that are totally selfish. I spend time on this great invention, the internet instead of taking a walk with the kids or just going outside and playing. So my goal for this week is to be less selfish.

My other goal for this week is to walk at least 5.5 miles. I set a goal for myself of walking a mile in less than 20 minutes and Thursday night I walked a mile in 19:56. I was ecstatic but in extreme pain and was super tired. Most likely from lack of water, my calves have been cramping up horribly around 1/3-1/2 mile. It's aggravating me. Any suggestions?

To the Fitcation ladies, I loved watching every moment of your trip on twitter. I longed so badly to be there with you, and you can bet your butt, I will be at the next one!

What gaps in your nutrition knowledge do you want to fill?
I want to learn how to what really works for my body. Having a stomach issue really messes with my menu.

This week's weight:

Not quite as much of a loss ( -1 lb) as I was expecting but PMS is waning, water is still retaining, but at least I wasn't gaining! (LOL Poet, maybe I am meant to be!)

This post is sponsored by Omron Healthcare and I’m writing this to be entered into a Omron Go Smart Pedometer giveaway hosted by Mamavation

Sunday, May 29, 2011

#Mamavation Monday - Drop the Kids Off at the Pool

 Eight. I have always liked the number eight. It's a nice number. Fun to write. Comes before nine but after seven. This week however, I am not liking number 8 very well. You see, that is how much weight I gained in the past week. To sum up this past week, it was stressful, my mother was pretty sick a couple of days, there was a birthday celebration in which the main dish was sodium, and I, well, my plumbing is kinda stopped up (if ya know what I mean). Pair all of the above with a good ole dose of PMS and you have a weeks worth of activites/physiology that equals 8 lb weight gain. I am pretty sure most of this will go pretty quickly as soon as I drop the kids off at the pool, but wow, 8 lbs in ONE week? It's not impossible! I did it!

So now, this week what am I doing to "move" things along? Well my first goal is to get 10K steps in everyday. (Greta is my butt kicker on this goal!) That tip that exercise keeps the digestive system moving is not a lie people! It works! Second goal: Drink more water. I used to be a water drinking QUEEN. Sadly my hydracoach has recently been sitting alone, display flashing, awaiting a cool refill of water and a quick push of the start button! Third goal: eat more fiber! I have never, ever been good at this. I really am not a fan of veggies. And I know, fiber is found in many more places than veggies, and I am focusing on that this week. I am also adding ground flax seed to my meals. (Awesome stuff, can't tell it's there!)

This coming weekend is Fitcation! I had a ticket, but had to release it due to my stomach. Doc was not happy with my flying or exercising intensely so I had to give it up. I am going to miss meeting everyone. I really am trying not to think about it too much this week, but I REALLY want to see some pics girls!

Hope you all have a great week! :)

What are your go-to tricks for when you need a confidence boost?
I talk to my DH. I know that no matter how much weight I have gained or lost, no matter what kind of week I have had, he tells me what a great mom/wife/person I am and always tells me I am beautiful. And if he hears me say otherwise, he calls me out on it. It's also nice to get all dolled up for work or just a trip to the grocery store!

This post is sponsored by Your Best Face and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation and sponsored by Your Best Face.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

#Mamavation Monday - Constant Chaos!

Hi friends! This past week has been insane! Last Saturday I discovered many tiny bugs in our bathroom, and when I say tiny, I mean tiny, they are no bigger than the period at the end of this sentence. There was a mama bird who had built her nest in our upstairs neighbors dryer vent which is above our bathroom and those bugs were Bird Mites!! If you know anything about those critters you know that they multiply very quickly and can take YEARS to get rid of! I cried when I found this out. When they get on you they are very itchy and their size makes it easy for them to hide away from any insecticides. My landlord came Monday and took the whole vent out. The baby birds in the nest were big enough to make it on their own, in fact they now are residing in the tree in front of our apartment and have since learned to fly! I still see a mite here or there but I think we got rid of the problem before it got too big. So needless to say my week has been filled with cleaning, vacuuming constantly, disinfecting and all kinds of cleaning routines to make sure those mites hit the road! 

My stomach has held up well this past week considering. I am working my way back into a routine. I expect to be released from my exercise restriction soon and will start training again for my 5K.  I need to find a new one, the one I was going to run was held on May 7th.

I saw the Mamavation Moms progress and holy smokes! You ladies rocked this campaign! I love looking at before and after pics! You ladies are some HAWT mamas! Congrats Angela, Andrea, Libby and Stacie on your successful completion of this past campaign!

Also congrats to Laila on being names SOTW! Laila has always been one of my favorite sistas! When I am out of it, or just not around she always shouts out to me to check on me! Not many people have done that so it really lifted me up!

I am working on getting back in the groove. Being sick along with a few other personal snafus have really thrown me off the past few months. I try getting back in there but when I do tweet sometimes I don't even get a single reply. :( I am not trying to get your sympathies but please pay close attention when a sista proclaims she is not doing so well. It really helps to have an encouraging word. It makes it all to easy too quit when it seems no one cares!

What keeps you from having healthy snacks on hand when you are out of the house?

I forget. Flat out. By the time I get myself ready, the kids ready and their stuff packed I realize I have forgotten about myself. I have however started keeping healthy snacks at my desk at work. Cranberries, Special K chips, FiberPlus bars and more...

Hope you all have a wonderful week! Oh and check out my scale pic, I have lost 0.8 lbs!!


This post is sponsored by Grunt Style and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation and sponsored by Grunt Style.

Monday, May 9, 2011

#Mamavation Monday - Too pooped to party

Hi ladies! I hope that you all had a wonderful mother’s day!

This past week was great. I learned a lot about myself, my cravings and how to control them. All was well up until Saturday when my DH took me out to eat at Red Lobster for our anniversary dinner. I went berserk! I had the shrimp festival with a few cheddar biscuits. One day I will learn. Just because my stomach feels okay, it doesn’t mean I can feed greasy junk into it. I paid for it yesterday. I spent most of the morning in the bathroom, and the rest of the day in the bed or recliner. So needless to say, there wasnt much celebration yesterday on Mother's day! I was pooped!

Regardless of my wild weekend, I still managed to lose .6 lbs this week! I consider that to be epic. Lol

(Once again, I have no idea why that picture shows correctly, then flips once I upload it here!)

As I wrote in my post last week, I have been studying the Made to Crave book with Rachel S. This week I want to share a passage from the book that struck me hard today...

“I had to get honest enough to admit it: I relied on food more than I relied on God. I craved food more than I craved God. Food was my comfort. Food was my reward. Food was my joy. Food was what I turned to in times of stress, sadness and even times of happiness.”

Have a great week girls! I am still around, just busy! So when if you think I am not looking I am! :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

#Mamavation Monday - Made to Crave

Hi ladies! This past week has been interesting. On Wednesday night our area was hit hard by the storms. Tornadoes touched down as close as 1.5 miles from my home. There was lots of devastation, destruction and sadly, loss of life. I have never felt more helpless in my entire life. That night helped me to grasp what I do have control over and made me realize that if I have the choice to control something, like my weight, I should while I still can.

A good sista of mine, Rachel S., called me on Saturday to let me know of a book that her church group is currently studying. Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst. I had heard of this bok, but had forgotten about it. I have been reading and journaling for the past few days and realizing so much about myself, my relationship with God and my relationship with food. The idea is that God made us to crave Him, but so many times we get our priorities out of line and crave other things. Food, and sometimes worse. I am enjoying learning new things about myself. Journaling my thoughts and my day is helping so much. I have been jurnaling my food for some time now, but journaling my feelings is bringing my healthy journey to a whole new level.

As far as my stomach issues go, the stress of Wednesday night was not good for me. However, I am on the upward trod. I am still having some symptoms and am restricted to light exercise but it's not as bad as it was or could be.

I will miss you all tonight! The boys missed their bath last night so we gotta get it in tonight! I will try to pop in if I get them in bed in time!

Have a great week!!!



Monday, April 18, 2011

#Mamavation Monday - Priorities

You know the feeling you get when your priorities get out of line? You feel out of place, disorganized and just flat out bumfuzzled. That's me. Right now, that is me. In my life God should be first and unfortunately I have put God on the back burner. In His place I have put work, my health, my hobbies among other things. I dont have the control over some of these things like I should. Like I would had I left all those things in Gods hands instead of in my own. Back in may of last year, almost a year ago I wrote a post titled "I'm Struggling". I am back at that point. I am trying to do to much on my own without asking for help and I don't mean asking for help from friends and family but from God. Recently a very important relationship in my life almost crumbled because God wasn't the center of it. I have obligations as well commitments that I will keep but just know if I am not around as much it's because I am taking care of me. The physical and spiritual me.

As far as my health I am still in a light flare with my Ulcerative Colitis. I am trying to cope with emotional eating at the same time as having a flare up and needless to say it's not working. Greta introduced me to the SCDiet and it works, when I stick to it. I am also looking into some experimental studies where nicotine gum/patches were used to help patients regain remission. A lot of doctors say that diet has nothing to do with flares or lack thereof but I know better.

If you pray, keep me in yours. Specifically for this illness to dry up and leave me alone and for me to get my priorities line up.

Monday, April 11, 2011

#Mamavation Monday - Coping with an illness

Many of you remember that I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis back in October of last year. I had suffered from horrible stomach pains, diarrhea, arthritis in most of my joints, erythema nodosum (a skin condition) and loss of appetite. After a 3 month long round of steroids and other medications I was happily back into remission. But for about the past month or so I have been having signs of another flare up. I have almost dug myself a hole to hide in because I do not want to go through this again. I am working with my doctor to try to come up with the best plan of action for me, which hopefully does not include another round of steroids. I gained 16 lbs the last time I took them. Not fun.

My chance at attending Fitcation is circling the drain. I have not made any flight reservations yet because my doc has not yet cleared me to go. The problem with flying is that with my condition, the change of pressure could cause a bowel perforation (a hole in my intestinal wall) and that is no good. I have checked on bus fare and even driving as a possibility. It is an 18 hour drive and with my frequent trips to the bathroom, I am not so sure how that would work. Plus, I am restricted to light exercise right now, and from what I hear, our workouts at Fitcation are going to be anything but light! If I can't go, I want to make sure the ticket can be used. I am really bummed over this, I have never been out of this region and was looking forward to exploring Austin, TX. But most of all I was looking forward to seeing all of my sistas who have supported me through this sickness, my campaigning, and my reign as a Mamavation Mom!

Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I learn how to cope with this illness.

Weight this week:
262.4 (+2.2)

Monday, April 4, 2011

#Mamavation Monday - It's that time!!

I can't believe it is time for a new batch of Mamavation Moms to start their journey! There are some great women to choose from this go round! (BTW, have you voted yet? If not, do so here!) Tomorrow morning two women are going to start a journey they will never ever forget. It is going to be hard, but hard it what it takes to see some major changes! These ladies will do things they may have never done before, including some intense daily workouts! Be sure to lend all the support needed, as at times, it will get hard, and they might even want to give up. I wanted to. But I didn't and I am so glad I stuck with it!

Now an update on me! My stomach has been acting funny again lately... I may be trying a different medication in the near future and I am not too excited about that. I am mostly worried that this is going to affect my ability to attend Fitcation in just two months! I am not dwelling on that thought too much right now. There are so many girls that I want to meet and give a HUGE hug! Plus who wouldn't want to check out the awesome city of Austin, TX?!

My weight loss for this week...  -0.4
Not sure why that is showing sideways, but you get the picture... Oh, and please look over my striped fake tan! lol I got an iPhone this week and I am LOVING it! I am just noticing it takes much clearer pics than my last phone! Another perk!

Hope to see you all at the Twitter Party tonight!! I will be late due to my work schedule changing again (now that I am finally trained for my new position!) but I will see you all there!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

#Mamavation Monday - Learning about me

What a fun week it has been! My little sister is finally a married woman... She and her honey tied the knot on Saturday! I love my little sis and the last few months of my life have been consumed with making sure that she had the day she deserved. And she did. Now I can get back to some type of "normalcy" in my life. 

I bought a book last night called "10 Lessons from a Former Fat Girl" by Amy Parham who is a former contestant on The Biggest Loser. I have gotten through the first chapter and it already has my mind churning! The book is really helping me to dig deep into my spirit and find the empty holes that I seem to fill with food. At the end of each chapter Amy asks you to reflect on the chapter and how it fits into your own life. In the first chapter she asks for you to find a quiet place to pray and meditate on the things that may be keeping you from becoming the fit girl that God wants you to be. I have found that I try to take over in my own life instead of letting God have control. I am making it a goal, and have already been doing this at the suggestion of Leah, to not only pray before each meal, but to pray to God for guidance that I will be eating the meal or snack for the right reason, nourishment, and not for the wrong reason, because I am emotional or bored. I highly recommend this book, and I am not even really into the meat of it yet!

Weight loss this week was not great, but hey, it was a loss! And I did eat some high sodium, heavy foods at my sister's wedding yesterday, so that could also be reflected in this week's weight. And it probably doesn't help that I was still wearing my yoga pants and tank top... 
This week's loss, -0.4

Don't forget to check out the Hartman House we Heart Japan Disaster Relief.

Congrats to my fit friend, @fitmomtraining for being named SOTW! I love her!!!

This week’s blogging carnival is sponsored by Earth Footwear!

Where will your feet take you this year? Any plans for a big hike, race, or just a lot of walking?
This year I am going to run my first official 5K! I am nervous and excited!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

#Mamavation Monday - Support is vital!

This week I chose to write about support! We have some awesome moms who have applied to be a Mamavation Mom, and not only do they deserve our support, but their very chance of succeeding relies on it! 

I learned a wealth of new information during the Mamavation Mom campaign. I learned to love some new foods, and I learned how and at what frequency I should be eating. When it all comes out on paper, it looks like it should be easy to lose weight. "Do this, eat this and you will lose weight and become healthy." Yeah, it's not that easy. And the Mamavation coaching team knows that! That is why they are there, not only to set the Mamavation Moms up with a nutrition and exercise plan but to be there for support if something is not going so well. I can say this, and I am sure there are other previous MM grads who can say this too, I did not take full advantage of the support I had. Somedays I was scared to "bother" them and other days I felt like I would look like I was a failure if I asked for help. It takes a lot more than just a "plan" to be successful. For me, in addition to the planning, there is a lot of prayer and a lot of gathering support from my husband and family.

A friend of mine has commented a couple times that she wants me to give her some pointers to lose weight. She and I have been best friends since high school, and we have mirrored each other since. We both work at the same place, we both have 2 kids, we both have busy lives and we both have gained a lot of weight. She came up to me this week and told me that she found out some less than good news at the doctor's office and was thinking about signing up for Weight Watchers online. I hated to hear that information, but was giddy inside that she was coming to me for support! I can't wait for she and I to pair up and lose weight together. I have found that I am extremely successful when I have a "partner-in-crime", and I think that she and I could be unbeatable together! That's where that support comes in. I want to support my friend through this and she is going to support me. I am so excited to have a new "IRL" weight loss buddy! I am even thinking about signing up online with her. Why not?

Shelley and I are also pairing up to support each other. We each want to lose 30 lbs before Fitcation. We haven't chatted as much as we should, but watch out for us, when we get this thing calibrated, it's going to get serious!

If you don't have a lot of support, seek it out. Let people know that you feel you could be more successful if you could talk with them about how you are feeling, or what is working or not working for you. There are TONS of sisters here in the sistahood that I know would listen, but find you someone in real life who can be there when we aren't. And this advice is not just for the Mamavation applicants/finalists/Moms, this is for everybody.

This week's question:
Are you a sweet or savory snacker?  What do you look for in a healthy snack?
I am a sweet snacker! When looking for a healthy snack, especially if I am craving sweets, I try to turn to fruit or yogurt. Every now and then I will sneak a small piece of chocolate! Can't live without it! 

Now for this week's weight loss...  -0.8 lb I am back to using my old scale, the new scale I am reviewing had me at 122 lbs this morning which was obviously way off! I am thinking maybe I should try some new batteries or I may be contacting the manufacturer!

Monday, March 14, 2011

#Mamavation Monday - Regaining health

Hi ladies! I was totally MIA this week, and for good reason! (Don't worry, I am not leaving ya! I will hold up my end of the deal!)

My house was taken over by yet another sickness. The stomach flu invaded! My oldest son and I were sick Wednesday/Thursday and my youngest son was sick Thursday night. My oldest is still having bouts of diarrhea and vomiting and it starting to show signs of dehydration. I took him to Urgent Care on Sunday, but of course, with this being a virus, there was not much they could do. I am pumping him full of fluids to avoid another trip to the doc. I keep forgetting that my immune system isn't quite what it used to be. My doctor advised me that having an autoimmune diseases coupled with the med I take to maintain digestive health can have an effect on my immune system. I am taking steps to include more vitamin C rich foods, and am currently experimenting with new multivitamin regimine.

The first week after the campaign has been wild. Not only has the sickness thrown me for a loop, but I am working a new schedule at work, and am busy-busy preparing for my sister's wedding which is less that 2 weeks away! Speaking of... I picked up my bridesmaids dress today, and it is SO big! I am going to have to have some major alterations done! Yipee!!! 

So on to my scale pic! This is a new scale, I am reviewing the EatSmart Precision Premium Digital Bathroom Scale. Watch for my official review to come soon! 

I tried taking the picture a few times and this is the best I got because of the backlit display, I will say though, it was very accurate each time I had to step back on! 

My old scale has me at 261.8 so I would say they are pretty close! That does however put me at a gain of 2lbs, but that's okay! Considering the situation this past week, I think I did pretty good! I didn't drink as much water as I should've, especially while being sick, and I definitely wasn't as active. But watch out, I have my eye on the 230's that is my goal for Fitcation!!

I am training for a 5K in May. The proceeds go to the Justin Foundation which focuses on de-bullying our local schools. Stay tuned for more information about this. The website has not been updated recently, but I definitely know it is taking place on May 7 which also happens to be mine and my husband's 6th wedding anniversary!

Mamavation Mom Applicants! I haven't gotten to touch base with as many of you as I would like! Some of you have DM'd me and I have your info! PLEASE email me at kjrobinette at if you want to chat!

What time of day works best for you to be active?  How do you make sure you stick to those planned workouts?

I don't have a particular time of day that works best for me. My work schedule fluctuates, so some days I work out in the morning before I go to work, and some days I workout when I get home from work. If I don't write it on my calendar(s) (yes, even the ones at work) I forget! I even set up reminders on my phone. I have been known to get home from work, crash in the recliner, or get caught up in other mommy duties and totally forget to workout!

This post is sponsored by SEARS FitStudio and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation and sponsored by Sears.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

#Mamavation Campaign 7 is over! - The before and after pictures

Thanks once again to everyone who supported me during this campaign! I see a HUGE transformation! Do you see it?

Monday, January 31, 2011

Want to win a Bondi Band?

I recently did a review on an awesome product called the embRACE band, but my friend Shelley over at Slightly Off Kilter has done an awesome review and giveaway for Bondi Band! I will be training, okay, I am officially training for a 5K race. So the "run like a mother" Bondi Band would suit me fine right now! Shelley is giving away 3 Bondi Bands, but if you are going to enter, you must hurry! The giveaway ends tonight 1/31!

My life as a #Mamavation Mom

I figured I would give you all an overview of a normal day in the life of a Mamavation Mom! Most days are strategically planned out since I have to work late evenings. Mostly, it goes like this...

Between 9:00 am and 10:00 am - Wake up! Breakfast for myself and the boys! Hugs, kisses and diaper changes! lol

10:30am - Noon - Check in with Facebook, Twitter, E-mail and Skype, allow kids TV time

Sometime between Noon and 2:30 pm - workout and snack, wash clothes or do other household cleaning if needed, kids do whatever kids do

2:30 pm - 3:30 pm Get ready for work, pack boys stuff to go to grandma's house and prepare or pack supper

4:30 - 11:30 - Work! I get two breaks, on the first I usually eat "lunch" or sometimes I eat "lunch" on the way to work, I also try to get in extra steps on breaks. I often eat my snacks at my desk.

I get home around midnight, finish filling out my daily food and activity journal, and hit the sack!

On the days in which I am off, like today, I take a little more time to spend online and the boys get to do whatever they want. Today this has consisted of turning their room into a jungle, watching Blues Clues, taking a nap, and enjoying the sunshine! I also use my days off to get caught up on household chores, plan out meals for the week, and reassess my goals for the week!

I figure this is probably boring to most people, but I figure one day, long after my reign as Mamavation Mom I will need to look back to see how in the world I ever did this!

Have a great week and don't forget about our British Invasion on Mamavation TV at 10pm EST tonight! Tracey Mallet and Pete Cohen will be joining us! Also tune in to hear the latest from myself, and the other super motivational Mamavation Moms!

You can see my weekly blog post at here and my food and activity journal here.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

embRACE Fitness Headbands - A review

I recently had the opportunity to review an awesome product called embRACE bands! 

What are embRACE bands?
embRACE band are fitness headbands that keep hair and sweat off your face AND stay in place!

Straight from the embRACE Website:
Life is not a race, but it often feels like one. Including exercise in your daily life can help you go the distance. An active lifestyle can positively support you both emotionally and physically.  For me, staying active has given me the strength to weather the toughest stages of this race. 

Whether your goal is to walk to the bustop and stretch or to run your first race, embRACE bands can help make embracing an active lifestyle easier and exciting. Let’s face it, things that fit well make exercise much more enjoyable. 

For many, we spend more time at the gym than we do out on the town. We should invest in our clothes and accessories to reflect that. I actually get more excited about going to the gym after making a new bag or band.

embRACE an active lifestyle
We all know that the gym won’t pay off if we only go once or twice, so don’t fight it, embrace it. Just like a hug, hold exercise close to you.  Make it a priority.  Make it a lifestyle. Let embRACE bands help!

Who is embRACE?
I am a blessed mother of two who has taught group fitness on and off for the last 18 years.  I grew up playing many sports and learned (the hard way!) that I need to stay active in order to keep the weight off.   But, over time, I learned a more important lesson, keeping active helps me feel better physically and emotionally.   After having kids, it was easier to get back on the treadmill and shed the baby weight.  During tough challenges in my daily life, I sweat away my frustration.

Unlike some die-hards, I can't workout all the time.  I also enjoy sewing and being creative and with embRACE bands I do just that.    I make all of the embRACE products by hand and love to play around with new ideas, colors, and patterns so keep them coming!

I was very excited when CarolLynn agreed to send me an embRACE band to review! I will admit, with the holidays, etc, etc, I did not get the chance to use enough to really give an accurate review. Until now. Since I became a Mamavation Mom over a week ago, I have had my share of sweaty walks and workouts. I have used the embRACE band many times in the past couple weeks, and what can I say? It does it's job! I did not have to worry about sweat dripping into my face, and when I took the band off, it was completely soaked! The bands are very absorbent. I did have a little slipping, and had to adjust the band a couple times during each workout, but I wear it further back on my head than I believe it is intended. On the underside of these bands is a soft, absorbent layer of velour which not only keeps the band from slipping, but provides that extra layer to keep the sweat out of your face. There are so many different styles and patterns to choose from. I absolutely love the band that CarolLynn sent me, pink and brown happen to be two of my favorite colors! 

Here are some pictures of the product in use by me!

My preferred way of wearing the embRACE band

Very cute logo on the inside of the band, it seems to be ironed on, so it causes no irritation and doesn't catch in your hair!

For extremely sweaty workouts, I wear the embRACE band closer to my forehead for maximum sweat absorption! It also does a great job of keeping my bangs out of my eyes.

Overall I give the embRACE bands an A! Very affordable, many styles to choose from, and does what it is supposed to do. 

Check out CarolLynn's full line of embBrace bands at her website,

Thank You CarolLynn for being patient with me and for allowing me to review your product!

I was provided an embRACE band absolutely free with no compensation for my review.