Thursday, December 16, 2010

Why I want to be a #Mamavation Mom - Days 1 and 2

Yesterday was the opening day for Mamavation Mom applications. I applied because not only do I need Leah to kick my booty in this bootcamp, but I need the support and accountability from all of the sisters! So I announced yesterday on Twitter that instead of the 12 Days of Christmas, I am doing the 10 days of why I want to be the next Mamavation Mom. (See my Mamavation Mom Application Video here!)
Day 1 - Elastic Waist Pants. I really don't have anything against the pants themselves, but the fact that I am having to wear them, again, when just a month ago I was wearing jeans is a major reason. I can still wear those jeans, but it's not pretty. (Let's just say, major muffintop!) I have watched two Mamavation Campaigns now, and upon graduating from the bootcamp, you could see a major change in the graduate's waist lines! I need that! My waist is 40+ inches around and my hips are 60+ inches around. Yikes. I am at such a high risk of heart disease because of those numbers.

Day 2 - Health. In August of this year my doctor threw the hard truth at me. I have elevated levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol, the beginning signs of Fatty Liver Disease and my spleen is enlarged. I asked him how much of that was caused by being obese, and he said all of it was. He instructed me to walk 6 days a week, and start losing weight. I trudged forward and took that advice until October when I got the diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis. This disease is not caused by my obesity, but would probably be better controlled with a healthier lifestyle. Also, my disease is more concentrated in the right side of my colon which puts me at a higher risk for colon cancer. That is a MAJOR reason to get and eat healthier!

If you want to show your support, please tweet the following, or head on over to the Mamavation Facebook page and let Leah, @bookieboo know that I inspire you!
"Hey @bookieboo! I want @christlikemommy to be the next #Mamavation" Mom. She has my support!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have my support! Eery minute of every day! Mamavation Mom or not, I'm making it my personal mission to get healthy WITH YOU which means, like it or not, we are in it together! get ready girly - you might actually get sick of me! HUGS!!! LOVE YOU!